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“She Sheds” Are the New Man Caves

  • Monday, 03 October 2016 14:06
  • Written by  J. Kelly
The She Shed The She Shed

For years we’ve watched as men retreat to the comfort of their Man Caves. There’s been a steady evolution over time from dirt and rock caves to the garage to a custom designed all-male sanctuary filled with flat screen televisions and big boy toys….no females welcome.

Finally, women have a sanctuary to call their own, and they’ve only had to go as far as their own backyards. Voila, the “She Shed” has arrived and it’s a haven offering a quiet reprieve for women from the pressures of the world. This amazing female phenomenon is sweeping the country and it’s about time. Move over Man Caves, She Sheds are stealing the spotlight.

What is your passion? The She Shed is all about you so first define its purpose. Is it for reading, hobbies, watching movies, taking naps? Quite possibly it’s just for chilling out or it could be for writing the great novel you’ve had running around in your head for years--- but never had time to put down on paper.

About the size of a Tiny Home, the She Shed can start with something as simple as an existing tool shed or an aluminum storage shed from one of the big box stores or as stunning as a retreat custom designed by a professional architect. Whatever the style, its sole purpose should be to provide privacy from the demands of everyday life and a peaceful space in which you can enjoy some badly need time to yourself.

Where do you start? Be sure your Shed is structurally sound. Consider if you want to insulate for year ‘round comfort, add electricity or a water source? For appearance and décor, let your imagination run free. A coat of paint and a decorating theme make a great beginning for your personal space. If you’re handy with a paint brush and basic tools, as so many women are out of necessity, you can do the work yourself. If not, call on a reputable handyman or local contractor. Lights, some cozy furnishings, a mini fridge and lots of plants will bring your She Shed to life.

How much fun to visit thrift stores or consignment shops for those perfect pieces or design touches for your Shed. Junk shops can also offer unexpected treasures like windows and doors with will bring the outdoors in to your space. Be sure you don’t overdo the furnishings. Leave plenty of room for you to stretch out and relax. The finished product doesn’t have to look like something out of a magazine.

You’ll defeat the whole purpose of your She Shed if you stress out creating it. Start small, think simple and have fun with it.

Just because it’s your retreat doesn’t mean you can’t entertain if you want to. When you’re ready, invite some friends over for a She Shed Open House. They’ll be so envious they’ll want a She Shed of their own!

That old tongue twister rhyme ‘she sells sea shells by the seashore” has been running through my head as I write this. The perfect addition to the rhyme “and then she goes home to her She Shed.”

  • 8559
  • Last modified on Tuesday, 01 November 2016 17:47
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