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Top Award by ICF Builder Competition Featured

  • Monday, 02 March 2015 09:36
  • Written by  J. Kelly
ICF First Place Award Winner ICF First Place Award Winner

This is the press release for our home design that recently won a nice award.

Georgia architectural home designer and a Texas client team up to win international recognition. G. Frank Dollar, founder and owner of GFD Architectural Design, Cleveland, GA has won first place in the Unlimited Residential Division of the annual Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Builder Awards.  This international competition is designed to showcase the advantages of building with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) and awards are given annually to projects that demonstrate outstanding innovation, quality, and craftsmanship in ICF construction. The announcement was made during the World of Concrete trade show held recently in Las Vegas.

Dollar, working with his Owner-Builder client, designed the Texas-sized, 10,000 plus square foot Janacek Residence using the Nudura ICF system. ICFs are hollow foam blocks which are stacked and then filled with steel-reinforced concrete. The fin¬ished structure combines the strength of concrete with the insulating properties of foam, which stays in place to insulate and protect the walls. This construction method can reduce energy bills by up to 70 percent, block exterior noise, and are extremely disaster resistant. As an additional benefit, they are one of the most popular ways to “build green.” To date, the Janacek Residence in Princeton, Texas has energy bills which average about $250 a month. Incredible.

This is not Frank Dollar’s first rodeo but it is a home and an award of which he’s very proud. An experienced home designer and builder with in-depth experience in the design and construction of large custom homes and commercial buildings around the country, Frank Dollar welcomed the challenge of creating this unique, energy efficient home.  “The client, a busy cardiologist, was acting as his own General Contractor and had done his homework before he contacted me.  He knew exactly what he wanted which was a big plus” according to Dollar. Working from his Georgia office with his Texas client via telephone, e-mail and overnight shipping, Dollar created the drawings which brought his client’s vision to life.
The home has many unique features in addition to ICF construction including residential home automation, all LED interior lighting and a spectacular, illuminated stained glass dome. In presenting the award, judges cited the complexity of the design, the striking architecture, and the challenges the construction overcame to set a new standard for the entire ICF industry. The award will be announced in the March issue of ICF Builder magazine, and the home featured in a full-length article in the coming year, as well as on the magazine and website.

To see more pictures ICF Home Image Gallery


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  • Last modified on Tuesday, 01 November 2016 17:49
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